What a busy little bit it has been! I've been most pleased by the questions also in my inbox.
I've spent a bit of time shooting with "MadPlaid Photography" of McMinnville, OR. For one of my first outdoor shoots in quite some time.
Finally, catching in with "BlackClaw", I was introduced to a very cool cast of Portland, OR's NBC tv program series: "Grimm".

"You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge."
Photographer: Mad Plaid Photography(2016)
Model: Sammy Vee (Samuel Van Dyke)
Location: Corvallis, OR

Photographer: Mad Plaid Photography(2016)
Model: Sammy Vee (Samuel Van Dyke)
Location: Corvallis, OR

Program: "Grimm"
Provider: NBC
Season: 5. Episode: 18 "Good to the bone" (2016)
Pictured: (From right to left) "Diana" Hannah R. Loyd, "Henchman" Samuel Van Dyke, "Captain Sean Renard" Sasha Roiz, "Adalind Schade" Claire Coffee.